My dear youth:
I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and ask that His blessings, love, and guidance be upon you in abundance.

Human and divine limits
Today I would like to share the text of Matthew 19:26: “But Jesus looked at them and said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’ ”

The title of this pastoral letter is very suggestive: Anything is Possible. It tells us that there is nothing in this world as complicated, intricate, and difficult as it is, that God cannot manage it; even the impossible—that is to say that which cannot happen or be realized—is possible for our Creator. There is nothing that escapes His control; nothing that is so complex that it cannot vanish when His powerful word commands it.

Understanding this is a bit complicated for humans, because we have to imagine it to understand it; we do not have the attribute of omnipotence, like God. We have accepted the fact that there are infinite impossibilities in life, and before them we simply surrender or resign ourselves. For example, we know that we cannot stop the course of the sun or that it is impossible for a sea to be  divided into two, forming walls of water. It is impossible for people dead and in an organic decomposition phase to come back to life by the action of some drug… Nobody would expect gold to rain from the sky or houses to be born in the grass of the field.

These impossibilities make science reject faith categorically, precisely because it states that faith is the vehicle to achieve the impossible: “All things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23. Scientists know the physical laws and know that they are invariable, something that goes against nature is rejected outright. Now, Jesus tells us that by faith everything is possible and that miracles exist, that God can do what he wants. How wonderful!

God does not move within the limits of space, nor is He conditioned by restrictions that prevent him from achieving His desires. He does as He wishes, when He wishes, and how He deems fit to do it. He has made the universe infinite; He has created our planet and all the things that are in it. Not even the wisest of the wise would be able to create a simple flower or a tiny insect.
He possesses the secret of absolute power; the ability to generate life and bring into existence anything that comes to mind. Is it not an extraordinary miracle to have created each one of us? We have, in the immense variety of vegetation that covers the earth, animals, seasons, landscape, etc., an irrefutable testimony of His power and creative capacity. God not only creates flowers, plants, and trees, but he makes them in a thousand forms and aromas, which give their fruits and substances with active ingredients that serve to nourish and heal people and so many other things.

Sons of God
Being able to believe in God and place in Him our concerns, problems, and limitations of humanity, many decide to base their lives on their miserable self and settle in the thought that the limits established for humans cannot be surmounted. And this is true in relation to the human being, but not in relation to God.

Deciding to trust in Him, to walk with Him, to love Him, introduces us into His world and gives us the ability to be called “His children” (John 1:12). A child has every right to receive the Father’s inheritance: his name, his riches, his care, protection, and help. Those of us who believe that Jesus is our personal Savior are co-heirs with Him of all eternal riches (Romans 8:17). When a person decides to be baptized and surrender to the service of the Master, the entire Divinity is put at our disposal: “The fact that you have been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is an assurance that, if you will claim Their help, these powers will help you in every emergency.” Testimony Treasures, vol. 2, pg. 396.

We can live for the same God who created the Universe, divided the Red Sea through which the Israelites passed on dry land; the God we can love today is the same One who fed Israel for forty years with manna; He protected them from their enemies, He guided them day and night, and He poured out water into the wilderness and stopped the sun at Gibeon; He raised the dead, calmed
storms, caused the fall of the walls of Jericho, protected His sons from fire and from the ferocity of lions. We can choose to belong to the God who turned water into wine and multiplied a few loaves of bread, from which thousands of people did eat. Yes, dear youth, today you can decide to place yourself in the hands of the One who gave His life for us and who defeated the devil on the cross of Calvary.

Everything is possible for God; there is only one thing that He will never do, and that is default on His Word: “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” Numbers 23:19. What a blessed hope! It may be that we deny Him and turn our backs on Him, in fact we have done it many times and we continue to do so, but He will never, never, let go of our hand because He loves us, unless we voluntarily distance ourselves. Everything is possible for our God. What peace and what security we should harbor in our hearts! If He wants and sees fit, He will free us from all that anguishes us and at least give us the ability to overcome the blows of life without fainting.

Is it not worth it, dear youth, to use our lives to render service to the only Being in the universe that is Almighty and Immortal? Is it not worth living in such a way that we honor the One who brought us into existence? Millions of people lose joy for not grasping the hand of God! If nothing is impossible for God, what can bring us down? Nothing, because He has absolute control: What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31.

I invite you to live with this wonderful conviction. God bless you. Amen.

José Vicente Giner
Pastor and Director of the Youth Department
General Conference
